How Does External Environment Affect Individual Service Innovation Performance? Empirical Evidence from The Tourism and Hospitality Industry


  • Ming Lei National Institute of Development Administration, International College, Bangkok, Thailand School of Business Administration, Guangxi University of Finance and Economics, Guangxi, China Corresponding Author
  • Chih-Hung Chen National Institute of Development Administration, International College, Bangkok, Thailand Author



technological turbulence, market turbulence, knowledge sharing, information literacy, service innovation performance, tourism and hospitality (T&H)


Purpose: This study investigates the internal and external factors determining individual service innovation performance in the tourism and hospitality industry (T&H). The research gives decision-makers insights into the external environmental factors that can promote individual innovation. Internal environmental factors, knowledge sharing, and information literacy are vital in this process.

Design/methodology/approach: This study adopts a quantitative methodology by collecting the data from questionnaires of mid- and high-level management in high-star hotels in China. CB-SEM methodology is used to test the research hypotheses and model.

Findings: The study results support the proposed model that the external environmental factors of technological turbulence and market turbulence can positively affect individual service innovation performance through the chain-mediating effect of the internal environmental factors of information literacy and knowledge sharing.

Originality/value: Based on the resource-based view (RBV), the knowledge-based view (KBV) and contingency theory, this study proposes a research paradigm of "external environment-individual-innovation performance" and a novel chain mediation model, which confirms the complementarity of the three theories. The results provide operative solutions for innovation decision makers and management of T&H firms on ways to promote individual innovative service innovation performance by utilizing the external environment turbulence factors.


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How to Cite

Lei, M., & Chen, C.-H. . (2024). How Does External Environment Affect Individual Service Innovation Performance? Empirical Evidence from The Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Advances in Decision Sciences, 27(4), 133-162.