Bibliometric Insights into Crisis Management: A Review of Key Literature


  • Tareq Almazyad Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Author
  • Norhayati Zakuan Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Author
  • Laith Alrubaiee Professor of Marketing, Department of Business Administration Al-Farahidi University Author
  • Shamaila Butt Guangzhou Nansha Information Technology Park, Director of Research and Innovation, Guangdong CAS Cogniser Information Technology, China Corresponding Author
  • Azmirul Ashaari Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Author
  • Raghed IBRAHIM ESMAEEL Department of Industrial Management, College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq Author



Crisis management, Bibliometric Analysis, Scopus, Content Analysis


Purpose: The study explores the current situation of crisis management research and future directions through a comprehensive visual analysis by using VOSviewer. 

Methodology: To achieve our study's objective, we retrieved published papers from the Scopus Database covering 1995 to 2022, resulting in 1853 publications. The study used bibliometric indicators to analyze the publications and conducted co-authorship and co-occurrence analyses to identify the main research strengths and topics in crisis management. 

Findings: The findings provide insight into the seven crucial facets of the crisis management environment, including methodology, developed, emerging, and developing countries, governance and SMEs, public policy and relations, crisis response, COVID-19 response, and risk communication and knowledge management. The findings also identify current research trends such as urban resilience, crisis communication, sustainability, climate change, mental health, and future hotspot areas such as family business, organizational resilience, lockdown, COVID-19 crisis, and digitalization in crisis management.

Novelty: This research introduces insights into the crisis management literature by identifying research gaps and submitting new arrangements for emerging hotspots' future keywords. It employs a rigorous methodology that offers a robust analysis of the crisis management literature.

Crisis management research explores key areas, research trends, and future perspectives, revealing the application of decision-making principles. Rigorously using decision science, the study provides valuable insights and improves understanding of crisis management literature.

Author Biographies

  • Norhayati Zakuan, Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

    Associate Professor Ts., Faculty of Management

    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

    81030 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

  • Laith Alrubaiee, Professor of Marketing, Department of Business Administration Al-Farahidi University

    Professor of Marketing, Department of Business Administration

    Al-Farahidi University

  • Shamaila Butt, Guangzhou Nansha Information Technology Park, Director of Research and Innovation, Guangdong CAS Cogniser Information Technology, China

    Post Doctoral Researcher at Guangzhou Nansha Information Technology Park. Director of Research and Innovation at Guangdong CAS Cogniser, Information Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

  • Azmirul Ashaari, Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

    Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Management

    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

    81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

  • Raghed IBRAHIM ESMAEEL, Department of Industrial Management, College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq

    Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, College of Administration and Economics, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq


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How to Cite

Almazyad, T., Zakuan, N. ., Alrubaiee, L. ., Butt, S., Ashaari, A. ., & Ragheed Ibrahim Ismaeel. (2024). Bibliometric Insights into Crisis Management: A Review of Key Literature. Advances in Decision Sciences, 28(2), 1-34.