Drivers to green human resources management (GHRM) implementation: A Context of Cement Industry in Indonesia
drivers, green human resource management, resource-based view, stakeholder theory, fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratoryAbstract
Purpose: This study employed a resource-based view (RBV) to explain the company's existing resources as critical factors in implementing the GHRM transition. In addition to RBV, this study employed the stakeholder theory that stakeholder pressures prompt companies to implement GHRM activities. Moreover, this study aims to identify valid and reliable attributes associated with GHRM's drivers and establish practical improvement criteria. To do so, we propose seven aspects with 32 criteria derived from an analysis of the related previous research.
Design/Methodology/Approach: To achieve this research objective, a fuzzy Delphi method (FDM), fuzzy decision-making trial, and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) are utilized to determine the interrelationships among attributes.
Findings: This study revealed five aspects with seventeen valid criteria. The five aspects are association compliance, commitment from upper management and human resources are the most influential aspects.
Practical Implications: Firms must be aware that having a clear vision and being leader-change oriented is an important part of the top management's responsibility. In addition, shifting to GHRM need support from top management as part of their complete commitment to accomplish the strategies.
Originality/Value: This study investigates the drivers of GHRM in the cement industry in Indonesia by combining two theories: resource-based view and stakeholder theory. This study is highly related to decision sciences since this study’s framework assists policymakers to decide what aspect to focus on.
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