Determinant of Patchouli Production In Aceh Jaya Regency Aceh Province


  • Vivi Silvia Economic Development, Syiah Kuala University Corresponding Author
  • Sartiyah Economic Development, Syiah Kuala University Author
  • Muhammad Raihan Fitra Economic Development, Syiah Kuala University Author
  • Cut Nadira Economic Development, Syiah Kuala University Author



Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Efficiency, Farming, Patchouli


The purpose of this research is to examine the factors of land area, labor, financial capital, fertilizer, and education that influence patchouli production and to determine the efficiency of patchouli production in Aceh Jaya District, Aceh Province. This study relied on primary data gathered directly from patchouli farmers. The primary data was gathered through a questionnaire, while the secondary data came from the Center Bereau of Statistics, the Department of Agriculture, and the Directorate General of Plantations. This study's population consisted of 383 farmers. Using the Slovin formula, a proportional sample of 79 people was drawn from each identified sub-district. In this study, the data was analyzed quantitatively using multiple linear regression in Cobb- Douglas production and efficiency analysis. The findings revealed that land area, labor, financial capital, and fertilizer all had a positive impact on patchouli production in Aceh Jaya District, Aceh Province, whereas education had no effect. The efficiency analysis revealed that patchouli farming in Aceh Jaya Regency, Aceh Province, was inefficient in terms of price efficiency, technical efficiency, and economic efficiency. The research's implications necessitate technological advancements, the use of family labor to keep capital expenditures to a minimum, and the use of organic fertilizers to improve patchouli production quality and farmers' income.

Author Biographies

  • Vivi Silvia, Economic Development, Syiah Kuala University

    Economic Development, Syiah Kuala University, Faculty Economics and Business, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

  • Sartiyah, Economic Development, Syiah Kuala University

    Economic Development, Syiah Kuala University, Faculty Economics and Business, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

  • Muhammad Raihan Fitra, Economic Development, Syiah Kuala University

    Economic Development, Syiah Kuala University, Faculty Economics and Business, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

  • Cut Nadira, Economic Development, Syiah Kuala University

    Economic Development, Syiah Kuala University, Faculty Economics and Business, Banda Aceh, Indonesia


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How to Cite

Silvia, V., Sartiyah , S., Raihan Fitra, M., & Nadira, C. (2023). Determinant of Patchouli Production In Aceh Jaya Regency Aceh Province. Advances in Decision Sciences, 27(2), 99-121.