Understanding the Linear and Curvilinear Influences of Job Satisfaction and Tenure on Turnover Intention of Public Sector Employees in Mongolia


  • Hania Aminah Department of Business Administration, Asia Management College, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan; Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia Author
  • Massoud Moslepour Department of Business Administration, Asia Management College, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan; Department of Management, California State University, San Bernandino, USA Author
  • Hanif Rizaldy Department of Business Administration, Asia Management College, Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan Author
  • Sarangerel Batchuluun Department of Project Services, Rio Tinto Mongolia Business Service Support Center, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Author
  • Jovi Sulistiawan Universitas Airlangga Corresponding Author




intent to leave, job satisfaction, public sector, public service


Purpose: This study aims to find the relationship between the most influencing employee satisfaction factor toward intention to leave and examine the curvilinear effect of tenure to intention to leave.

Design/methodology/approach:  This study is based on quantitative analysis using Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS), which aims to examine and identify the factors influencing the intention to leave.

Findings: The result showed that physical work conditions, promotional opportunities, and pay are the highest significantly affect ITL in the public sector in Mongolia. However, supervision has no significant influence on ITL. Hence, to decrease the ITL in Mongolia’s public sector, physical work conditions, promotional opportunities, and may need to be enhanced and well designed to improve job satisfaction.

Originality/value: The research findings contribute to a better understanding of intent to leave and job satisfaction for public employees and provide empirical evidence on the factors influencing the intention to leave.


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How to Cite

Aminah, H., Moslepour, M., Rizaldy, H., Batchuluun, S., & sulistiawan, jovi. (2022). Understanding the Linear and Curvilinear Influences of Job Satisfaction and Tenure on Turnover Intention of Public Sector Employees in Mongolia. Advances in Decision Sciences, 26(3), 25-53. https://doi.org/10.47654/v26y2022i3p25-53